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Ventes / Second Hand Cds

Ventes / For sale

 CDs / Vynil / Tapes / T-Shirt / VHS / Posters / etc.

Black metal  / Doom / Gothic metal
Dark folk / Industrial / Dark ambient / Dark atmospheric / Heavenly
Gothic rock / Electro-dark / Post-rock

... and some other stuffs

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Abruptum - Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectère Me CDABRUPTUM "Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectère Me" 25 €

(Ritual dark ambient from Sweden, with Ophtalamia and Marduk members
First pressage released on DSP in 1993)


Aion NoiaAION "Noia" 6 €

(Gothic metal from Poland, 1998)


Anathema make it rightANATHEMA "Make It Right" EP 8 €

This was released as an advance single cds for the Judgement album,
with "Make It Right" and "Deep"



Andromeda Complex - Last traces of forsaken worshipsANDROMEDA COMPLEX  "Last Traces of Forsaken Worships" 8 €

(Dark wave / ambient from Italy with fetish thematic/aesthetic, on Energeia, released in 1998.
Produced by Angelo Bergamini from Kirlian Camera)

apollyon-sun-sub.jpgAPOLLYON SUN "Sub" 9 €

(Cyber metal project by Tom G.Warrior from Celtic Frost, year 2000)


Arcanta.jpg ARCANTA "The eternal return"  8 €

(Dark atmospheric / ethnic on Projekt records, 1997)



Archon satani mind of flesh and bonesARCHON SATANI "Mind of Flesh & Bones" 9 €

(Dark ambient ritual from Sweden.
Released in 1993, remastered edition 2006 by Cold Spring)




Artrosis - in the flowers shadeARTROSIS " In the Flowers Shade " CD 7 €

(Gothic metal from Poland, 2000, near mint condition)



Atomtrakt - VerwustungATOMTRAKT  "Verwüstung" CD 7 €

Dark Ambient / Martial Industrial by Vinterriket leader
Released in 2004 and limited to 500 copies


Behemoth - Historica BOXBEHEMOTH "Historica" Box 5CD 2002 54 € (perfect condition)

Limited box 3000 copies
Contains And The Forests Dream EternallySventevith + Grom +
Pandemonic IncantationsLive In Kraków (2000)
Special booklet with rare old photos and biography

Black Rose -  nto the Glass HouseBLACK ROSE "Into the Glass House" CD 8 €

(Atmospheric heavenly from Hyperium records, 1995)


Bleeding like mine - In the eyes of the lostBLEEDING LIKE MINE "In the eyes of the lost" CD 6 €

(Darkwave / heavenly voices from USA,
released by Palace of Worms in 1997)

Canaan T-shirt  CANAAN "Logo" T-shirt 12€

   (One face, size XL, released late 90's, very good condition)



CarcassCARCASS "Necroticism  / Wake Up And Smell The Carcass part 2" CD 7 €

(This is a russian version released by Agat Company,
gathering "Necroticism" and rare tracks from the "Wake up..." compilation)


Chalice-ChroniclesOfDysphoria.jpgCHALICE "Chronicles of Dysphoria"  CD 6 €

(Doom gothic metal, Australie, 2000, like new)


Cernunnos woodsCERNUNNOS WOODS "Awaken The Empire Of Dark Wood" 15 €

Digipack in perfect condition

(Dark ambient medieval released in 1996 on Cold Meat Industry,
Dungeon synth spirit by a ABSU member)


Cradle Grave Saper Vedere.jpgCRADLE GRAVE "Saper vedere"  CD 6 €

(Dark ambient electro, Australie, Heartland 1998)



Cradle of filth midianCRADLE OF FILTH "Midian" CD 5€

(Symphonic black metal stars,
Fourth album released in 2000)



Cradle of Filth - Heavy Left-Handed & CandidCRADLE OF FILTH "Heavy Left-Handed & Candid" VHS 5€

Contains "Live Concert - Eleven Burial Masses 14th April MMI"
+ video clips


crimson garden CD .jpgCRIMSON GARDEN "The Dark Mother"  CD 4 €

(Dark metal atmospheric and occult, France, CD 2000)



Deine Lakaien - Forest Enter ExitDEINE LAKAIEN "Forest Enter Exit" CD 6 €

Dark wave from Germany



Destruction best ofDESTRUCTION "Best of " 2 CD 10 €

Cult thrash metal, Germany
Compilation released in 1990,
covering the first era from 1984 to 1990



Diary of Dreams - Freak PerfumeDIARY OF DREAMS "Freak Perfume" limited digipack 7 €

Darkwave/ electro from Germany, CD 2002




Diary of dreams posterDIARY OF DREAMS "End of flowers" POSTER 5€

(Cult darkwave from Germany)

High poster, cold paper, sold on tour 2004



 Diary-of-Dreams-front.jpgDiaryofDreams-back.jpgDIARY OF DREAMS T-shirt 12 €

  Never worn shirt, like new, size XL,
  Hard to find, sold on the 2004 tour

Dolls of pain decadanceDOLLS OF PAIN "Dec[a]dance" CD 8 €

(Dark electro gothic, France, 2006)
vente cause doublon




Dolls of pain slavehunterDOLLS OF PAIN "Slavehunter" CD 8 €

(Dark electro gothic, France,  2007
vente cause doublon




 Draugar - Weathering the curseDRAUGAR "Withering the curse" CD 8 €

(Black metal from USA, 2004)



eden.jpgEDEN "Healingbow" Mini-CD 5 €

(Gothic atmospheric, avec Pieter Bourke (cf Lisa Gerrard))



EisheiligEISHEILIG "Eisheilig" 5 € (Mint)

(Gothic metal from Germany, released in 2001 on Napalm records)




Em-Sinfonia---Intimate-Portrait.jpgEM SINFONIA "Intimate portrait"

(Gothic metal, Usa, CD 2001 - without back sheet) 2 €



enforsaken.jpgENFORSAKEN "The forever endeavor" 5 €

(Melodic yet agressive death metal, Century Media 2004, near mint condition)


                                        ENSLAVED "Eld" 8 € 

                                       (Viking black metal culte, 3eme album de 1997
                                       Réédition officielle de 2019 encore sous cellophane


essences.jpgESSENCES "Nebulae" 8 €

(Atmospheric heavenly from Italy, Energeia 1997)



Evoken - QuietusEVOKEN "Quietus" 8 €

(Doom death atmospheric from USA, Avantgarde Music 2001)



Exodus - Bonded By Blood Bernett LPEXODUS "Bonded By Blood"VYNIL LP 17 €

(Cult Thrash metal, first album 1985)

Bernett Edition ; see this version on Discogs


faith and disease CD.jpgFAITH & DISEASE "Passage to Kumming"  8 €

(Atmospheric gothic heavenly in the Cocteau Twins way,
Projekt records 2003)

Faithful Dawn - TemperanceFAITHFUL DAWN "Temperance" 8 €

(Gothic dancefloor released in 1997 from Nightbreed, hard to find)


Fear of Eternity - Spirit of Sorrow CDFEAR OF ETERNITY "Spirit of Sorrow" 8 €

(Atmospheric melancholic black metal from Italy,
released in 2006 by Moribund Rec)


Glaufx Garland - Fantasy's Golden FeatherGLAUFX GARLAND "Fantasy's Golden Feather" 8 €

Vynil LP 1998

(Experimental dark ambient from Greece, released by CAPP)

Grave - Hating LifeGRAVE "Hating Life" 9 €

Cult death metal from Sweden
Fourth album released in 1996


hellstormcover.jpgHELLSTORM "Fucking bleed" 5 €

(Black/thrash n'roll with Sodom influences, Head Not Found 1999)



powerdisplay.jpgHH9 "Power display" 8 €

(Power noise, side project FOLKSTORM / MZ 412)


Holy Terror LPHOLY TERROR "Terror and Submission" Vynil LP 15 €

(True Thrash Metal from USA, released in 1987)

Version : Discogs

Horna aania yossaHORNA "Ääniä Yössä" 10 €

This album is in a depressive black metal style, close to the Mortualia side-project
Debemur Morti 2006, Limited edition with Slipcase


Hypnotic scenery - deeper and deeperHYPNOTIC SCENERY "Deeper and Deeper" TAPE 6 €

(Doom/death/gothic from Czechia,
official tape from 1997)


Immortal DvdIMMORTAL "Live Dynamo 30/05/1998" DVD 6 €

DVD bootleg with the complete concert and two diaporama photos galleries from the old days.
Coming from the tape trading era in a classic DVD box with amateur cover.



King Diamond - Abigail 2KING DIAMOND "Abigail II"  7 €

(Occult dark heavy metal, album 2002)



Krohm - Crown of the AncientsKROMH "Crown Of The Ancients" CD 8 €

(Depressive black metal from USA, 2002
A demo originally released in 2000, first CD version  on Selbstmord Services)


Lithium - Threshold to disharmony LITHIUM  "Threshold To Disharmony" 8 €

(Dark ambient released by Cold Meat Industry, 2003)


LyrinxLYRINX "Nihilistic Purity " Vynil LP 13 €

(Depressive black metal from England, 2007
Vynil version released by Insidious Poisoning Records)



Marduk dvdMARDUK "Live 17/10/1996" DVD 6 €
DVD bootleg with the entire concert and two diaporama photos galleries from the old days.
Coming from the tape trading era in a classic DVD box with amateur cover



Matt Howden - Intimate ObstinateMATT HOWDEN "Intimate & Obstinate" 8 €

First album released in 1999
Violonist for Sol Invictus on some releases / tours


Mielnoir - Der honigf lugel      MIEL NOIR  "Der Honigflügel"  5 €

       (Dark folk/ambient, Germany, 2008)
       A5 limited CD 500 copies


Moloch - Spectral ShadesMOLOCH "Spectral Shades Of The Spiritual Negativism" 8 €

(Black metal and ambient project from Ukraine
Compilation with rare and unreleased tracks from 2004 to 2012)



Moonspell memorialMOONSPELL "Memorial" 7 €

(Cult gothic metal, CD 2006)


myinsanity-solar_child.jpgMY INSANITY “Solar child”  5 €

(Dark metal atmospheric from Switzerland
produced by Waldemar Sorychta, like new)


myriads.jpgMYRIADS "In Spheres Without Time" 8 €

(Gothic doom metal close to Tristania / Sirenia / Trail of Tears
Napalm Records, 1999)



1246624929_mysterian-a-rose-for-the-dying-200.jpgMYSTERIAN "A rose for the dying"  5 €

(Dark atmospheric from USA
 Ex-Profanatica / Profane Grace member)


mystery-school.jpgThe MYSTERY SCHOOL "The mystery school" 8 €

(Dark folk from Cynfeirdd, limited CD ... wOfOne.mp3

Napalm death - Live CorruptionNAPALM DEATH "Live Corruption" VHS 10 €

Rare VHS released in 1997
contains the complete concert at Salisbury Arts Centre, England - June 30, 1990


The Narrator Mr Cricket - in My WorldTHE NARRATOR MR CRICKET "In My World" 8€

Vynil LP 1998
(Experimental dark ambient from Greece, released by CAPP)



Neither Neither World - Maddening MontageryNEITHER NEITHER WORLD "Maddening Montagery and Other Fantastic Stories" 7 €

Cult dark folk from USA with female leader
Re-release from the 1995 album by Dark Vynil with one bonus track


nocturne---hymn-for-heresy.jpgNOCTURNE “Hymns for Heresy I & II"  6 €

Dark ambient industrial with war samples



O quam tristis le rituel sacreO QUAM TRISTIS "Le ritual sacré" 7 €

Darkwave released in 2002 by Palace of Worms


Orplid - Sterbender SatyrORPLID "Sterbender Satyr" 6 €

Dark folk from Germany, CD 2006



Orplid greifenherzORPLID "Greifenherz" 6 €

Dark folk from Germany, CD 2008



 PILORI---And-when-the-twilights-gone.jpgPILORI "And when the twilight’s gone" 6 €

Dark wave / Dark folk / Heavenly voices from Germany, Trisol 2002)



The provenance - Still at Arms Length DigipackThe PROVENANCE "Still At Arms Length" 6 €

Digipack in mint condition

Experimental / progressive gothic metal from Sweden, 2002)


psycho-luna-gottin.jpgPSYCHO LUNA "Göttin" 2,5 €

(Dark wave from Germany, 2008)


Regnant and thrallREGNANT AND THRALL "Sex Polizei" 4 €

Black metal from France with original thematics,
released in 2003 on Nihil Voices Prod




Sanctus - Aeon SkySANCTUS "Aeon Sky" 6 €

Black metal symphonic from USA, CD 2000



Sangre Cavallum - Patria graniticaSANGRE CAVALLUM "Patria granitica"  7 €

Dark folk from Portugal, CD 2006



SANGUIS-ET-CINIS-Alright-lets-rock1.jpgSANGUIS ET CINIS "Alright let’s rock"  5 €

(Gothic n’roll from Autria, Trisol 2002 digipack)

set-fire-to-flames.jpgSET FIRE TO FLAMES "Sings reign rebuilder" 4 €

Ambient/Post-rock avec membres de Silver Mount Zion



SILENT CRY - Remembrance.jpgSILENT CRY "Remembrance" 8 €

Gothic Doom/Death from Brazil, CD 1999


Silver Mont Zion - Kollaps TradixionalesSILVER MT. ZION MEMORIAL ORCHESTRA "Kollaps Tradixionales" 8 €

Version limitée avec livret format A5 16 pages
(Cult post-rock band from Canada, 2010)

SiriusSIRIUS  "The Eclipse (The Summons Of The Warriors Of Armageddon)" TAPE 16 €

Orchestral black metal from Portugal
This is the official demo tape released by the band in 1998
Limited tape, copy number 679 ; See the version


speaking silence - insides CD.jpgSPEAKING SILENCE "Insides" 8 €

(Gothic atmospheric / Heavenly voices, France, 1999)



Stillhet - Gjemt I skyggeneSTILLHET "Gjemt I Skyggene" 7 €

Black metal from Norway,
Northern Silence Productions, CD 2005



StormfagelSTORMFAGEL "Den Nalkande stormen" 8 €

Dark folk industriel / atmospheric
Cold Meat Industry, 2005


Thanatos - An Embassy to Gaius.jpgTHANATOS “An embassy to Gaius” 8 €

(Dark folk pop with the Black Tape For a Blue Girl leader,
Projekt Records 1997)


tors of dartmoor - house of sounds CD.jpgTHE TORS OF DARTMOOR “House of sounds” 6 €

(Gothic rock, Hyperium 1993)



TCH.jpgTHIS CREPUSCULAR HOUR (TCH) "The abutilon ep" 5 €

 (26mn dark ambient electro tribal, Australia, Dorobo 1994)


Tripwire - IntellavoidTRIPWIRE "Intellavoid" 10 €

(Dark experimental electronic,
PUISSANCE side-project)


Trouble 1990TROUBLE "Trouble" 8 €

(Doom metal, USA, CD 1990
Similar to the original press from 1990
See the version on Discogs

 Vitriol - NeurotVITRIOL “I – VII” 3 €

(Released by Neurot records, used digipack)




Wave gotik treffen vhs         WAVE-GOTIK-TREFFEN PFINGSTEN 1999 VHS   8 €

          (75 min on video VHS about the 8th edition of this notorious festival)

          lien Discogs





Dvd dans la brumeDans la brume DVD 4 €

=> présentation
Film 2018
Langues : français



Dvd l echangeL'échange DVD 2 €

=> présentation
Film 2008
Langues : français / anglais
Sous-titres : Français / anglais


Dvd mesrineMesrine : l'instinct de mort DVD 3 €

=> présentation
boitier métallique
film 2008
Langues : français



Dvd Saw 1Saw 1 DVD 2 €

=> présentation
Film 2005
Langues : français, anglais
Sous-titres : français / anglais




=> Affiches et posters











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