Rome, nouvelles sorties

Le projet luxembourgeois ROME sortira fin janvier un nouvel ep intitulé "L'assassin" en guise de prélude à un nouvel album qui sortira en mars ROME. Ce ep contient  morceaux: dont un inédit "one flesh", et de nouvelles versions à cordes de "Der Erscheinungen Flucht" et "Der Brandtaucher", tous deux de l'album "Masse Mensch Material“.

La musique de ROME continue d'évoluer vers ce que le groupe désigne comme de la "chanson noir" et voit l'influence marquée de la chanson frnaçaise et de la folk américaine Son leader s'explique:

"The traditions of (french) Chanson and (american) Folk are becoming more and more influential in their current work. Chansonniers like Léo Ferré, Jacques Brel and singer/songwriter heroes like Cave, Cash and Cohen are obvious influences. The previous album “Flowers From Exile” already gave a first impression of what they themselves call Chanson Noir – the darker side of singer/songwriter tradition: post-industrial-folk with bits and pieces of Electronic Pop, complex arrangements of breathtaking melodies, mesmerizing ballads of lyrical beauty, underlining ROME’s ethos of never faltering or remaining uninvolved.[...]

ROME are reinventing themselves with each release, without ever losing track of their roots. Still, the sheer anger and ultimate despair of the early, warlike days has somewhat evaporated to make room for more complex and classical arrangements and ever more thought-provoking lyrics. ROME: unmasked, honest and authentic!"

Cold Meat Industry Rome

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