
Kaosthetik Konspiration

Deux nouvelles sorties pour l'automne sur le label français Kaosthetik avec le deuxième album de Caithness qui pratique du dark ambient pouvant évoquer les premiers Raison d'Etre et qui n'est autre que le projet de Hylgaryss de Dark Sanctuary. Dark Sanctuary avait récemment annoncé sa mise en veille mais avait assuré de l'activité au niveau de leur side-projet. "Apostasy and the sorrowful child" succède ainsi à "crossing the land of bereavement" sorti en 2003. L'album est disponible en version digipack limitée à 1000 copies.

L'autre sortie est "Sorieh", le premier album de Treha Sektori, projet français qui officie dans le rituel dark ambient.

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Dark Sanctuary en veille

Le septième album annoncé sera le dernier album de Dark Sanctuary, et le concert de Londres en octobre sera le dernier, puisque Dark Sanctuary va se mettre en veille. Le groupe de dark atmospheric ramené dernièrement à 5 membres après le départ de la section violons, n'exclue pas une possible reformation si l'envie s'en fait sentir, ni des sorties comportants des inédits et des morceaux de concerts. Quoiqu'il en soit, certains membres vont se consacrer désormais pleinement à leur side projet. Voici le communiqué complet officiel de Dark Sanctuary diffusé le 27/07/2009:

"After 13 years of existence and 7 albums, the band has decided to have a break for an indefinite duration. It goes without saying that this decision was not taken without due consideration and that we have been thinking about it for more than a year now. The different events of these last months, the line-up changing, the delay of our new album and more aside, have induced us to chance our course.

The reasons of this choice are multiple. We are not as young as we were at the beginning of this adventure and it is unfortunately more and more difficult to combine our private lives, our professional careers, and in the same way to find time for Dark Sanctuary, whether it is for the writing, recording, rehearsing of the music or for the concerts. Moreover, we all feel the necessity to explore other shores musically speaking, and to do so we need to break a bit away from the restraints that Dark Sanctuary lays down on us, preventing us to devote all of our time to our different side-projects.

This new album will consequently be the last one that we will record with Dark sanctuary. However, other pieces of our former recordings, that were previously unreleased, or may be live recordings should eventually be available between 2010 and 2011.

Moreover, after a long dialogue, we have finally decided to give only one single concerts in 2009, the last one that we will ever do with Dark Sanctuary. Firstly for the pleasure to play live, but also for the persons who wanted to see us live for one last time or for those who had never had the occasion to come to one of our concerts.

At the present time, we have no idea of what tomorrow will be made of, though it is likely for us to feel the need to come back to Dark Sanctuary in 3, 5 or even 10 years, but we cannot insist on this idea with certainty. Yet, one thing is absolutely sure: we won't stop music for all that, and most of us already have musical projects.

Thanks a lot to all of you for your support and for going part of the way with us... you have been the most exquisite company..."

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